Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday, March 31

Congratulations to Table 1!
     On Friday, Table 1 earned their tenth and final mark on our Terrific Table Graph, putting them at the top first!  Their self-control and integrity really stood out the past few weeks, earning them the prize!  Enjoy your Jelly Bellies!
     This morning, the students wandered around the room searching for their new seats in class.  They were all SO excited to sit next to some new friends.  We are eager to see how these new groups work together and which table wins the race this time.

We researched on the iPads in Social Studies last week...TWICE!
     We have really been digging into learning about our culture, and what better way than to do some real-life research!  We worked in partners to find out about American symbols such as the bald eagle, flag, and Statue of Liberty.  Then, we researched our national holidays and told the class about them.  The kiddos LOVE working on the iPads every chance they can get.  If you have tablets at home, please encourage them to bring them to school- they are such a great learning tool.

4th Quarter means new math centers!
     A brand new quarter brings brand new math centers.  Some of our new centers include measuring with traditional and nontraditional units, geometry, problem solving, graphing and plotting points, and working with money.  We have been practicing self-control during centers and increasing our stamina so that we can work the whole time and not get distracted.  Our 2nd unit of money is coming to a close, and we are focusing our attention this week on making change up to a dollar.  We found that it is usually easiest to count up from the price of something to find the change we need, instead of trying to do subtraction in our heads.  We are learning both ways though, so that we can use the method that works best for each situation.

Class Dojo
    Our Class Dojo monster points are adding up quickly!  When the whole class gets to 20 points, we get to have a party!  Don't forget to check the points at home and give your kiddo praise when they have a great day :o)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Happy spring break!!

Good morning everyone! Hope you are enjoying your spring break!
     Last week, we finished our unit on counting money and began a unit on using money. We created a web to show all the ways we can use our money. I took a picture to show you all because the things they picked as examples were so in keeping with their personalities- I felt the need to share :) 
   Last chapter, we learned that we should always use the least amount of change to make an amount if we have it available. Sometimes we have to use what we've got in our wallets or piggy banks though, so we practiced using different coin combinations to make the same amount. 

In Social Studies, we are learning about cultures and our ancestors, and everything that goes along with it.  Legends and cultural artwork were the focus on Thursday, and we listened to an old legend about how the rainbow was made.  The kids listened to the story, and then created a picture depicting all the details of the story that they remembered. We compared our pictures and discussed how easy it is for legends to change as they are passed down through generations.  The pictures turned out awesome and the kids LOVED the legend of the rainbow! Here is a link to the story if you'd like to read it for yourself :o)

Please have your kids work on the timeline project due on Monday.  If you have any questions, feel free to email me. It got a little chaotic at the end of the day on Friday when we were going over directions :)  

Logan was our star of the week last week and will continue as our star the week we come back to school.  He only got a few days as the star since he was absent.  Bring in a favorite book and a toy to share with class, Logan :) 

Enjoy your break!!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Invention Convention!

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you are enjoying this beautiful day and got to spend some time outside.  We finished our inventions last Friday and finished writing up our reports Tuesday.  Sorry I didn't post this sooner- it's been a busy week!  The kids are excited to show off their inventions, so here they are!! 

Problem: My coat/hat/backpack keeps falling off my hook...

Problem: My eraser is too small and doesn't last long enough...

Problem: My desk keeps scooting all over the place...

Problem: I keep losing my supplies and need to get organized...

Problem: I can't see inside my dark desk...

Problem: My desk is just a little bit too short...

Problem: My pencils keep rolling off of my desk...

Congratulations to all the budding engineers in room 49!